
Background Information

Mt. Vesuvius's elevation goes up to 1,281 meters. It is an active volcano. Vesuvius was originally a higher structure but as of current, it is partially encircled by a steep rim at the summit caldera. Mt. Vesuvius is active so it is explosive and quiet, the type of lava is pyroclastic flow, and it releases a poisonous gas. 


 Mt.Vesuvius has erupted about 3 dozen times since 79 AD, most recently from 1913-1944. Although it erupted quite a while ago this active volcano is still expected to erupt again in the foreseeable future.  It is the only active volcano on the European mainland. Mt. Vesuvius was created through the converge of two tectonic plates, the African plate pushed against the Eurasian plate, which pushed upward to create a submerged ocean volcano in the Bay of Naples, Italy.


One of the legends told about Mt. Vesuvius's 25 hour eruption in 79 AD was that the gods were angry at the people who resided in Pompeii and struck back at them by having the volcano explode which demolished the whole city. It is said that Philosophers in ancient Rome had made predictions of the gods lashing out. Just the day prior to the explosion the people of Pompeii celebrated the god of fire, Vulcanalia.

More History

Mt.Vesuvius's most recent eruption was on March 18, 1944 in Italy, Province of Naples. It was a 2 week long eruption. Although that was Mt.Vesuvius's most recent eruption the major eruption was during 79 AD. It was one of the most well known Ancient eruptions in the world. It killed more than 16,000 people . Ash, mus and rocks covered Pompeii and Herculaneum, burying the people with it.

What exactly happens inside & outside during an eruption

On the inside of the volcano, pressure builds up in the magma chamber, pushing magma through it's vents, making the volcano explode in various ways. (Whether that be quiet, explosive, or both) From the opening of the volcano shoots up gases and rock and magma. Explosions from volcanoes are extremely deadly. Eruptions can not only destroy cites but even lead to natural disasters, such as lateral blasts, lava flows, hot ash flows, mudslides, avalanches, falling ash and floods. 

On the outside of the volcano, once the materials shoot out and reach the Earth's surface the magma becomes lava and the rocks become dust, ash bombs, blocks, cinder and pumice. The explosion can destroy everything in it's surroundings. 

Evacuation drills & preparations

You want to be prepared for volcanic eruptions because you'll never know what'll happen. The most you can do for yourself and your safety is to do the following. Have a flashlight and spare batteries, it may be hard to see under the ash and possible destruction. Keep a first aid kit and guide to clean and help possible injuries. Always have emergency food and water, you don't want to die of starvation or dehydration. A mask is definitely a need to be sure you don't inhale the ash and poisonous gas. Goggles and a battery-powered radio are a must to protect your eyes from the ash and listen to what the authorities have to say about the eruption. Also, if your batteries of your flashlight and radio run out that's where the spare ones come in handy! 

If you to be caught during a volcanic eruption indoors then your best bet would be to close all windows, and doors, conceal all machinery in shelter, and bring all livestock in closed shelters. If you were to be caught outdoors then you'd want to try to find indoor shelters. If caught in a rockfall, to protect your head, roll into a ball. If caught near a stream be cautious of mudflows and move up slope if you hear a roar of the mudflow.
